If you could turn your passion into a career, would you want to? Apart from artists, very few people can say that they truly love their jobs. However, in today’s digital world, producing games pays off and with the right set of skills, you could also make a living out of designing, testing, or presenting games. In this piece, we are digging deeper into the topic of gaming jobs with the help of iGaming expert Auli Wälkky.

How to make a career in gaming?

The gaming industry is growing exponentially. Microsoft estimates that there could be as many as 2 billion gamers globally. These include serious gamers who use top-notch consoles, PC and laptop gamers, and people who play mobile games. Gaming is popular in the developed and developing world, with the figures expected to see a rise. 

Apart from gaming, gambling is also on the rise. In Finland, over 20% of people play at online casinos, and even more, play on physical slot machines placed in establishments all over the country. Online gambling has many advantages, for example, Finnish players can often get nettikasino bonukset when they deposit at a new casino. 

You can get a great number of jobs related to gaming or gambling depending on what skills you have. A typical gaming career salary is, in general, higher than average, so it makes sense to choose this industry for your career path. 

Gamer career options

If you are into computer gaming and have coding or designing skills, you can pursue a career in:

  • Game programming
  • Game design
  • Game testing
  • Game coaching or reviewing

Programmers and designers are always thought after to satisfy the growing need for new computer games. 

Even if you are not a programmer or designer, you can have a career in playing games. As we have seen plenty of evidence of it, esports can bring in big bucks if you are good enough at it. You will need to have a deep knowledge of the game, endless hours of practice behind you, and excellent hand-eye coordination and reflexes. Professional gamers sometimes become brand ambassadors of games and can get serious money for advertising. 

A mobile gaming career is also a possibility. As you will always see on LinkedIn, companies are on the lookout for game testers all the time. These jobs can often be done remotely and are often project-based, meaning they are not full-time jobs. 

Gambler career

If casino games are your thing, the career opportunities overlap with those of gamers. You can expect a higher-than-average salary should you choose to venture into designing and coding, which are obvious choices. However, there are lots of online gambling career options that don’t require any skills or expertise and can be learned during a short training. Your gambler career options to consider are:

  • Game programmer
  • Game designer
  • Game tester
  • Game presenter (live dealer)
  • Customer support/admin staff 

As we mentioned before, gambling is super popular in Finland and online casinos are always on the lookout for Finnish-speaking staff. A great side of getting a career in gambling is that most online casinos are run from sunny places like Malta, Gibraltar, Costa Rica, and Curaçao! You could start up in customer support and make your way to loads of administrative departments such as payments, fraud, anti-money laundering, content writing, and even finance. 

Brick and mortar casinos, of course, also need staff, so if you are confident and love being the center of attention, you could become a croupier at a land-based casino. The career path from a croupier position typically goes to supervisor and pit manager. Casino staff are normally well paid, and they will often get hefty tips from lucky punters. 


There are plenty of career opportunities in the field of gaming and gambling. If you have the right skills such as programming and design, you can expect a well-above-average salary. However, some people can make a living just by playing or testing games too. Loads of admin positions are available at online casinos, and you may even get a job at a land-based casino!

If you’ve been a video gamer for years or not all that long, odds are you have developed an appreciation for it.

With that thought in mind, are you apt to pitch gaming to family and friends anytime soon?

Doing so could land you some fellow gamers and along with that some competition before you know it.

If inclined to do so, think about reasons recommending video games to some people you know makes a lot of sense.

Video Gaming Continues to Grow in Popularity

According to Limelight.com, gaming is pretty serious for many people out there.

It was reported that the average video gamer dedicates some 6 hours and 20 minutes weekly on video games. If you play a little more or less, you still would be one who dedicates some worthwhile time to gaming.

So, among the reasons you may recommend gaming to some people you know:

  1. Equipment easy to come by – If one you’d recommend gaming to thinks equipment is hard to come by let them that is not so. While it is wise to spend whatever time it takes to shop for equipment, most of it will be easy to find. It is also rather affordable to boot. So, whether in need of the top gaming mice, a headset or other pieces let it be known these are not hard to locate. The key is taking time to view brands online. See what some of the top gaming experts recommend in buying equipment. If you have some family and friends close by and they have an interest in gaming, invite them over. Let them try out some of your gaming pieces to see what they may like. In buying gaming equipment, those you look to turn into gamers can be one step closer to playing.
  2. Gaming is a break – Whether one has a tough job, goes to school, is raising a family or some combo of those, life can be a grind. That said video gaming can prove to be a nice distraction from the daily beat. After a long day of whatever it is one does; turning to gaming can make for some fun times. It can also mean sharing the fun of gaming with their family members and some friends. Having gaming to look forward to can be a nice reprieve and relax one.
  3. Good means of making connections – Did you think playing meant stuck in a room on your own and not meeting people? If yes, by all means think again. Gaming is a great way to make connections and form some new friendships as time goes by. There are gaming apps you can come across online that allow you to connect with other gamers. Before you know it, you may have some new gamer friends that also share some other interests with you.

When you pass your love of gaming along to others, consider it one of the more positive things you have done as of late.