Gynecomastia is the surgical procedure that eliminates excess fat tissue from the male breast area. Usually, such an intervention is reserved for cases where the patient can’t seem to lose the fat any other way or, for whatever reason, is unable to try traditional weight loss methods. While considering a Orange County gynecomastia, it’s normal to have your fair share of concerns and worries, which is precisely what this article seeks to assuage.
1. Male breasts are more common than you think.
A lot of men tend to be rather shy about needing gynecomastia, but the truth of the matter is, it’s a more common procedure than you think. And that’s because there is a surprising amount of men out there struggling with rounded breasts. Again, for some of these men, the answer lies in dieting and exercise, but not for all. Roughly 1 out of 4 men past fifty struggle with enlarged breasts, so no, you are not alone!
2. The time of your life will determine how the situation is handled.
Looking in the mirror at your rounded breasts, your first thought might be having them surgically removed. And while gynecomastia is a highly effective procedure, it might not be the best option for all men out there. Enlarged breasts are quite a common occurrence during puberty, and are largely the result of natural hormonal changes in a young man’s body. And while it’s normal for this to be an issue for some months, the situation usually goes away on its own, so in this case, surgical procedures aren’t an option.
Similarly, if your enlarged breasts are the result of medication or underlying health conditions, it will be natural for your doctor to first want to address those.
3. There are two ways to perform the procedure.
Most cases of enlarged breasts in males will be treated through a classic liposuction intervention, to remove excess fat. However, more extreme cases can not be solved through liposuction alone and necessitate a more complex intervention – gynecomastia through tissue excision. Generally, this removes a greater amount of glandular tissue. While this involves a similar downtime to liposuction (roughly 3-4 weeks before you can return to vigorous exercise, and a few days before you’re able to return to normal activities), you may experience some additional soreness and swelling.
4. You might be put on pain meds immediately afterwards.
While the recovery process differs from person to person, it’s not uncommon for patients to require some moderate pain management medication immediately after the procedure. Many gynecomastia patients are prescribed Tylenol to get them through the first few days of recovery.
5. Your results might change in the future.
It’s also useful to keep in mind that while the results of your procedure may look great now, they’re still subject to change in the future. Serious weight fluctuations, steroids, and other such things can alter the appearance of your chest, so if you plan on following an intense diet, for example, we recommend leaving your gynecomastia procedure until afterwards. You will also need to lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain progress.