There are 169 occupations, if not more, that require a college degree. Is your career field one of those 169 occupations?

Heading off to college is a big step towards the beginning of your future. Not only does graduating from college prepare you for a new career in a field you’re interested in, but it also provides you with many other opportunities. Attending college comes with several benefits that you can’t get anywhere else.

Before that can happen, though, you need to review your college essentials checklist. Going to college is an exciting experience that might leave you feeling nervous at times as well.

To help ease some of those nerves and ensure you’re prepared for the semester ahead of you, continue reading below. Here are all the essentials you need before seeking a college education!

Health Records

When you were in elementary and middle school, you most likely remember visiting the doctor’s office for a regular checkup, physical, and vaccines before each new school year. In high school, you might have needed to get a physical done before playing sports.

College is no exception. Before you can attend classes, you must submit all of your health records to the university. You might have to do this before the school allows you to sign up for classes.

If you don’t have updated health records, then ask the college if they offer a clinic on campus for students. Most campuses have an on-site clinic where students can quickly obtain any required health records.

A Major in Mind

If this is your first year in college, then you might not have an exact idea of what you want to major in. This is normal, so don’t panic. You might also know exactly what you want to major in and then switch career paths halfway through college.

This is okay as well. College isn’t about knowing exactly what you want to do, taking those classes, and graduating (although you certainly can go about it this way). For many, however, college is about the experience.

This is where many students figure out what it is they want to do with the rest of their lives. You might not figure it out until your last year, but with so many professors, advisors, other college students, and various courses to take, you’re sure to find your path down the road.

Take your time if needed and explore your options. Speak with advisors about your interests and what might be a right fit for you. You may end up learning about a degree you never knew existed.

For example, if you graduate with a liberal arts degree, you have more options than you might think. You can become a teacher with this degree, and that’s just one option! Always speak with professors, other college students, and advisors to help you find the right degree for you.

A Class Schedule

Unlike high school and all grades below it, you won’t be given a printed-out, pre-selected class schedule. No one will choose your classes for you in college. You can always visit an advisor to have them help you create your schedule, but the classes you take are ultimately up to you.

If you do have a specific major in mind, then you’ll receive a sheet of courses you must take to graduate with that major. Use this sheet as a reference and start selecting your classes. You should be able to do this on the college’s website after logging in to your account.

Make sure to choose times that work well for you and courses you’d like to take during the same semester. For example, it’s always nice to have two or three main courses and one or two elective courses.

Course-Specific Textbooks

You won’t know what textbooks you need until you sign up for your classes. After signing up for a class, your professor will send out a syllabus. Read the syllabus thoroughly.

On the syllabus, there’s a list of required textbooks. You can then visit the campus bookstore to buy or rent your texts. Do some research to determine if there’s a used bookstore near campus where you can also buy or rent texts at a discounted price.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your professors as well to determine if you do, in fact, need the text for class since some professors don’t use it.

Classroom Supplies

You may be tempted to hit up your local office supplies store and purchase a multitude of index cards, sticky notes, highlighters, and pens. Stop right there. Also located on the syllabi given to you by your professors will be a list of items required for their classes.

To save money, only buy what’s needed. You can get a few packs of pens and pencils since you’ll need those in every class, but don’t go all out until you know exactly what’s needed. You can also purchase a laptop and headphones, as you’ll need these throughout your entire college career.

Dorm Room Essentials

Not every college student stays on campus in a dorm room. If you are staying in a dorm, then it’s time to start shopping for all your dorm room essentials. Think of it as your own little apartment.

Microwaves, toaster ovens, mini-fridges, comforter sets, safe boxes, organizational storage bins, and decorations are all common items found in a dorm room. Try to bring what you can from home to save money, such as your own TV, bed sets, hangers, and anything else you can bring along.

A Weekly Planner

Taking multiple college courses at one time is expected, but that doesn’t make it easy. When going to college full-time, you’re going to have a lot of assignments and due dates to remember. If you don’t have a planner, then it can get overwhelming.

Keep a weekly planner with you everywhere you go. Make sure to buy one with lots of space for notes under each date. You can then add assignments, quizzes, projects, and tests down in your planner, so nothing’s forgotten.

What’s on Your College Essentials Checklist?

What items will you include in your own college essentials checklist? Make sure to review all of the items listed in our checklist above to help you create your own. It’s also beneficial to bring healthy, high-protein snacks and a refillable water bottle with you while on campus.

With all of these essential items on hand, you’re prepared to have an amazing college experience! Want to learn more about becoming a teacher and what jobs are available? Be sure to visit here daily for new helpful posts.

Your diploma is an important document that displays your educational accomplishments. So when you are looking for your high school diploma and/or college diploma, it is easy to panic with good reason.

Many employers or other educational institutions still ask for diplomas or other proofs of graduation. If not, then you can lose the chance of getting a better job or educational prospect. So how do you get a new diploma if you cannot find yours?

If you’ve ever exclaimed to yourself “I lost my diploma!”, this article will tell you how to fix it and replace your diploma.

Ask Your High School or College for a Diploma Replacement

Oftentimes, your high school or college will have a school district or registrar’s office that will allow you to get a new one. A registrar’s office is a good place to request a new one since they maintain all student records and transcripts.

Each school or college will have different procedures for obtaining a new diploma. To request a new one, prove your identity by sending a copy of your ID or telling them important information like your date of birth. You might need to pay a small fee for a copy of your diploma to be sent to you.

Write an Order to Replace a High School or College Diploma

When you contact your high school or college, sometimes they may need a written request for a diploma replacement to process it in their system. Some of the points that need to be attached to the request include:

  • Driver’s license or passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Notarized copy of the Letter of Appointment of Executor or Power of Attorney
  • The reason you need a diploma replacement
  • Degree(s) earned
  • Name of the institution and graduation date

What exactly the school needs will vary depending on their policies.

Get It Through the Mail

Once you have that information, you will need to fill out the request application and send it in the mail to your high school or college.

When it is sent, finding a new diploma in the mail will take time. It may take four to six weeks to get a new high school or college diploma. But, some colleges and universities may have the replacement process take up to ten weeks to fulfill.

When You Say “I Lost My Diploma”, Find a Solution ASAP

“I lost my diploma!” It’s a sentence many of us do not want to say or realize has happened. In the event you lose your diploma, it is a situation you should solve as soon as possible. Hopefully, the advice listed above can help you get a new version of your diploma in as little time as possible.

We hope this article about diploma replacement helps you out in the unfortunate chance it happens to you. For more educational articles that can help you out, check out the other articles we have in the Education section.